BUSINESS AND ASSETS SOLD – Computer Manufacturer
The proposed Joint Administrators are seeking parties interested in the business and assets of a Company that trades as a manufacturer of computers, mainly gaming PCs.
Current turnover £12m per annum
38 employees
Trades from leasehold premises in the North West; and computers are sold online via a website or various marketplaces in the UK and EU, mainly to individual consumers. The Company has more recently started to sell to businesses and the education sector.
Fixtures & Fittings
Computer Equipment
Office Equipment
Motor & Plant
Stock and Work in Progress
Indicative offers are required by 12:00 noon on Monday 13 June 2022 with a view to completion shortly thereafter
All interested parties will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement
Steven Gregory
Leonard Curtis
Riverside House
Irwell Street
M3 3EN
0161 831 9999