BUSINESS AND ASSETS SOLD – Ecommerce Retailer, Wholesaler and Manufacturer Of Art & Stationery Materials
The proposed Joint Administrators are seeking parties interested in the business and assets of two connected companies. They trade as a seller of artist materials, primarily to individual consumers and art clubs in addition to being a wholesaler and manufacturer of art materials including their owned brands, selling to online and high street retailers as well as independent specialist stores.
Based in the Midlands and North West of England:
52 staff over both Companies:
Current combined turnover of c.£6m:
Large individual consumer database
B2C e-commerce retailer
Retailer of own brand and third-party brands
Large individual consumer database
B2B wholesaler, manufacturer & distributor
Manufacturer of their own brands and customer white label products
Selling to online retailers as well as national high street customers
Accreditations held
Customer base of c.300
Assets available for sale include:
Plant & Machinery
Office Equipment
Debtors (encumbered)
Stock and Office Equipment
Indicative offers are required by 12:00 noon on Thursday 30 June 2022 with a view to completion shortly thereafter
All interested parties will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement
Proof of funding required
Joe Thompson
Leonard Curtis Business Solutions Group
Riverside House
Irwell Street
M3 3EN
0161 831 9999