BUSINESS AND ASSETS SOLD – Supplier of fragrance and beauty products
Leonard Curtis are seeking parties interested in the business and assets of a Company that trades as a supplier of fragrances and beauty products to high street stores, retailers, and E-tailers around the world.
Based in the Northwest of England
Operating from leasehold premises
Annual turnover to February 2023 - c£53m
96 staff
Business and Assets available for sale include:
Goodwill: (subject to right and title);
Office Equipment, Fixtures and Furniture;
Work in Progress (Order Book)
Stock (subject to right and title) with a book value of circa £37.7m
Debtors with a book value of circa £10.4m and
Fixed Assets with a book value of circa £578k
All interested parties will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Proof of funding required of £20m prior to receiving non-disclosure agreement.
Indicative offers are required by 12:00 noon on Monday 16 October 2023 with a view to completion shortly thereafter.
Charlie Ottewill
Leonard Curtis
Riverside House
Irwell Street
M3 5EN
0161 831 9999