BUSINESS AND ASSETS FOR SALE – Engineering & Manufacture (Offshore engery & marine aquaculture)
The proposed Joint Administrators are seeking parties interested in the business and assets of a company that provides tailored engineering and electronic technology solutions, by designing and manufacturing products utilised for offshore energy purposes and Marine Aquaculture.
North West Head office
Access to worldwide markets
Turnover of c.£2.9m per annum
30 employees
Assets available for sale include:
Goodwill; including intellectual property;
Plant, Machinery & Equipment
Shareholding Investments
Book Debts (Unencumbered)
Fixtures, Fittings & Office furniture
IT Equipment
Indicative offers are required by 12:00 noon on 6th February 2025 with a view to completion shortly thereafter.
All interested parties will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Proof of funding required.
Leonard Curtis
Riverside House
Irwell Street
M3 3EN
0161 831 9999