BUSINESS AND ASSETS FOR SALE – BUSINESS AND ASSETS FOR SALE –Content creation and collaboration Platform
The Proposed Joint Administrators are seeking parties interested in the business and assets of a Company that trades as an all-in-one content curation and collaboration platform.
Key Features:
Based in the North West of England;
Operates from a leasehold premises;
Two overseas subsidiaries;
Operates a platform available to worldwide customers;
23 employees; and
Turnover for 11-month period to 30 November 2024 is c£9k.
Business and Assets available for sale include:
Intellectual Property (Web-domains and Patent);
Shareholdings in overseas subsidiaries;
Debtors (including Intercompany Loans); and
Office Equipment and Fixtures & Fittings.
All interested parties will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement; and
Avery Lewis
Leonard Curtis
Riverside House
Irwell Street
M3 5EN
0161 831 9999